Accounts Sub Sub Class
Code Accounts Sub Sub Class Accounts Sub Class Accounts Class
4204 Proprietor Land Account
4205 Proprietors Building Account
4206 Proprietors Share Account
4207 Non Operating System Concern Account
4208 Non Operating Advance Account
4209 Non Operating Trade Debtor Account
4210 Non Operating Trade Receivable Account
4211 Non Operating Staff Advance Account
4212 Land and Land Development
4213 Building and Civil Construction
4214 Vehicle and Transportation
4215 Motor Cycle Under Installation
4216 Other Fixed Assets
4217 Trade Debtors for Goods Supply
4218 Short Term Investment
4219 Advance for other than Business
4220 Advance, Deposit & Prepayment
4221 Loan and Advance to Associates
4222 Stock at the end
4223 Cash in Hand at Bank
4224 Proprietor s Drawings
4225 Share Capital
4226 Retained Earnings
4227 Contengent Liability
4228 Non Operational Liability
4229 Long Term Bank Loan
4230 Long Term Other Liabilities
4231 Short Term Bank Loan
4232 Security Money From Distributors
4233 Security Money Field Staff
4234 Motor Cycle Installment Realized
4235 Short Term Loan From Associates
4236 Liabilities with Suppliers
4237 Provision for Expenses
4238 Revenue From Local Sales
4239 Revenue From Export Sales
4240 Service Revenue
4241 Others Revenue
4242 Manufacturing Expenses
4243 Administrative Expenses
4244 Selling Expenses
4245 Distribution & Delivery Expenses
4246 Goods Damage Expenses
4247 Financial Expenses
4248 Non Operating Trade Debtors Account
4249 Non Operating Trade Debtors Account
4250 Non Operating Trade Debtors Account
4251 Proprietor s Fund
4252 Revenue from Flat & Shop Sales
4253 Rental Revenue
4254 Proprietor`s Personal Assets
4255 Proprietor`s Personal Building A/C
4256 Land Director
4257 Proprietor Land Account
4258 Proprietor Land Account
4259 Proprietor Land Account
4260 Furniture and Fixture
4261 Capital
4262 Factory Expenses
4263 Cosntruction & Civil Building Cost
4264 Short Term Assets
4265 Short Term Liabillities
4266 Fixed Assets
4267 Current Assets
4268 Liabilities
4269 Expense
4270 Plant & Machenary
4271 Inventory
4272 Trade Receivable
4273 Goods in Transit
4274 Current Account-Inter Company
4275 Cash In Hand
4276 Cash In Bank
4277 Property, Plant & Equipment
4278 Accumulated Depreciation
4279 Capital Work In Progress
4280 Deferred Expenditure
4281 Deferred Tax-Assets
4282 Shareholders Equity
4283 Long Term Loan-Current Maturity
4284 Trade Creditors, Salary & Other Payable
4285 Deferred Income
4286 Deduction
4287 Inter Company
4288 Lease Obligation
4289 Deferred Tax Liabilities
4290 Revenue
4291 Other Incomes
4292 Direct Expense
4293 Cost Center Expenditure
Accounts Sub Sub Class
*Acc. Sub Class:
*Acc. Class:
*Sub Class: