Asset Sub Group
SL Asset Group Asset Sub Group Depreciation Type Depreciation Rate
Plant and Machinery Mixture Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Assemble Table 0.00
IT Assets X-ray Machine 0.00
Plant and Machinery Bunching Process 0.00
Building and Utility Fork Lift 0.00
Tools Mold 0.00
Plant and Machinery Standing Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Pick Up 0.00
Plant and Machinery Curing Process 0.00
Building and Utility Fire Hydrant 0.00
IT Assets Laptop 0.00
Plant and Machinery Super Enamel Process 0.00
Office Equipment Refrigerator 0.00
Plant and Machinery Laminating Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Work Station 0.00
IT Assets Mobile Handset 0.00
Plant and Machinery Brass Parts Process Machine 0.00
Building and Utility Sub-Station 0.00
Office Equipment Office Equipment 0.00
Plant and Machinery Stamping Press Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Covered Van 0.00
Plant and Machinery Corrugation Process 0.00
Building and Utility Crane 0.00
Tools Tools 0.00
Plant and Machinery Ageing Process 0.00
Office Equipment AC 0.00
Plant and Machinery Injection Molding Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Table 0.00
IT Assets Wireless Equipment 0.00
0 Plant and Machinery Assembly & fixing Process Straight-Line 0.00
Building and Utility Lift 0.00
Office Equipment Woven 0.00
Plant and Machinery Shearing Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Private Car 0.00
Plant and Machinery Core link Process 0.00
Building and Utility Solar 0.00
Tools Metal Bobin Tools 0.00
Plant and Machinery Heating Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Written Down 10.00
Plant and Machinery Injection Blow Molding Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Chair Straight-Line 0.00
IT Assets Network Equipment 0.00
Building and Utility Generator 0.00
Office Equipment Water Filter 0.00
Plant and Machinery Screw thread Machine 0.00
001 Furniture & Fixture Furniture & Fixture Straight-Line 10.00
003 IT Assets Printer & Scanner Straight-Line 10.00
Plant and Machinery Compression Molding Process 0.00
Building and Utility Chiller & Cooling Tower 0.00
Tools Hand Tools 0.00
Plant and Machinery Winding Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Truck 0.00
Plant and Machinery Extrusion process 0.00
Building and Utility Plate 0.00
IT Assets Display Monitor 0.00
Building and Utility Shed 0.00
Office Equipment Washing Machine 0.00
01 Plant and Machinery Printing Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Racking System 0.00
IT Assets Surveillance 0.00
Plant and Machinery Coating Process 0.00
Building and Utility Compressor 0.00
Tools Jig & Fixture 0.00
Plant and Machinery Tooling Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Auto 0.00
Plant and Machinery Electroplating Process 0.00
Building and Utility Fire Protection 0.00
IT Assets Printer & Scanner 0.00
Building and Utility Steel Structure 0.00
Office Equipment Industrial Man Cooler 0.00
Plant and Machinery Packaging & Coiling Process 0.00
Furniture & Fixture Cabinet 0.00
IT Assets Security Equipment 0.00
Plant and Machinery Casting Process 0.00
Building and Utility Trolly 0.00
Tools Die 0.00
Plant and Machinery Stretching Process 0.00
Motor Vehicles Motor Cycle 0.00
Plant and Machinery Drawing Process 0.00
Building and Utility Fire Detection 0.00
IT Assets Desktop 0.00
Building and Utility Building 0.00
Office Equipment Industrial FAN 0.00

Asset Sub Group